
ATP 103 Legal Writing and Drafting 2015-1


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Legal Writing and Drafting

  1. Kajiado County Government wants to have a law to regulate the keeping of pets by its residents. This has been occasioned by the hundreds of dogs, pigs, and cats that freely roam the County. The County says that this is a health hazard. Hence, the County wants a law to:
    • Limit the number of pets one may own;
    • Provide for hygiene standards to be observed by residents who keep pets;
    • Provide for the inspection of private residences by County Pet Inspectors;
    • Provide vaccination services for pets within the County;
    • Provide for County animal rescue shelters;
    • Provide for the culling of ‘excess’ pets; and
    • Provide penalties for persons who violate the pet law.

Draft a comprehensive Bill using the above guidelines.           (15 marks)

ATP 103 Legal Writing and Drafting r 2015-1


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