
ATP 106 Legal Practice Management-1-2



Legal Practice Management


(a) “When a delinquent employee is going to be punished, the type of punishment should be commensurate with the severity of the omission or misconduct”

Assuming you are the human resource manager of a leading law firm, discuss five types bf: punishment you could recommend to. your law firm. (5 marks)

(ii) At a meeting of the managing partnets of a medium-sized law firm, one of the partners proposéd that employee promotion should be based on seniority, Two of the partners argued that promotion should be based on merit rather than seniority.

Discuss the arguments for and against using seniority as a basis of promotion.                                                                      (5 marks)

  • Traditional budgeting systems are incremental in nature and tend to focus on cost centres. ActiVity Based Budgeting (ABB) links strategic planning to the overall performance measurement aimed at continuous improvement.
    • Explain the weakness of traditional incremental budgeting systems. (3 marks)
    • Describe the main features of activity based budgeting system and comment on its advantages. (2 marks)
  • Ongil and Company Advocates is a large law firm located in the countjy of Euboria. The firm has over 2000 employees on a full time basis. It has a policy of training newly recruited employees on the specific core functions of the firm as wetl as client management. The partners however do not belfeve in training front office staff •as they unanimously agree that front office fs a noncore function of the firm.

A long Serving front office manager recently left the organization and the firm replaced her with a recent graduate of Business Administration. They have since experienced many complaints from clients. In the words of one of their major clients called atl day and when I miraculously got through, the lady on the other end hang up the phone instead of transferring me to my laswer”.

The firm was also recently tn trouble when a client’s file went missing. This was however not a surprise to the employee’ because in recent meetings they raised concern that it takes too tong to retrieve clieh’ts? documents.

Advise the.fjrm on five important functions of the front office fn a large law firm.                                                                  (5 marks)


ATP 106 Legal Practice Management-1-2


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