






Kesha Miles is a 20 year old world famous marathoner and a citizen of Kenya. Last year he won the Boston Marathon and was awarded Kshs.100m prize money some of which he would like to invest in Kilifi County.

Miles has identified twenty acres of unsurveyed in Kilifi Count:y not far from the Indian Ocean coast’ line. He would like to acquire the land in order to build cottages for sale to international and local vacationers. The land is owned by African locals under customary title. Miles has approached several families settled on the {and. They are witling to sell to him and he betieves he will convince others to do the same.

  • What special considerations will you as Miles’s Advocate take into account to eliminate the possibility of title contests and toss of his ‘investment? (10 marks)
  • Assuming that Miles eventualiy identifies wilting sellers and he is ready to purchase the land, what legal processes need to be undertaken in order for him to acquire freehold title to the 20 acres of (and? (10 marks)
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