
Portfolio Management CIFA




Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management CIFA Section 4 is a KASNEB course. It helps learners to use Portfolio Management tools in business operations and decision making.

Download free KASNEB CIFA Portfolio Management Section 4 PDF notes and past papers now for the new KASNEB CIFA syllabus 2021. We are the largest repository in Kenya offering free KASNEB PDF notes and revision papers.

To pass KASNEB CIFA Section 4 Portfolio Management New Syllabus 2021 exam, the student is expected to cover the following topics:

  • Overview of portfolio management: Portfolio perspective and its importance – Steps of the portfolio management process and the components of those steps – Types of investors, their distinctive characteristics and specific needs – Pooled investment products (mutual funds, exchange traded funds, separately managed accounts, hedge funds, buyout funds/private equity funds and venture capital funds)
  • Introduction to risk and return of a portfolio – Measures of return, their calculation, interpretation, and uses
  • Capital market theory: Introduction to modern portfolio theory, Capital allocation line (CAL) and capital market line (CML), Systematic and non-systematic risk, Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Security market line (SML), Adjusted beta and historical beta: their use as predictors of future betas, Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), Understanding and interpretation of active risk, tracking error, tracking risk, information ratio, factor portfolio and tracking portfolio
  • Portfolio planning and construction: The investment policy statement (IPS), Capital market expectations, Investors financial risk tolerance, Investment constraints
  • Active portfolio management: Residual risk and return, Alpha and information ratio (IR), The concept of the value added (VA) and the objective of active portfolio management in terms of value added, Relationship between the choice of a particular active strategy and investor risk aversion
  • Fundamental law of active management
  • Behavioral finance
  • Risk management: Introduction: risks faced by an organization: market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk; operations risk; model risk; settlement risk; regulatory risk; legal risk; tax risk; accounting risk. Enterprise risk management system, Value at risk (VaR)
  • Private Wealth Management: Taxes, Estate planning
  • Emerging issues and trends in Portfolio Management

KASNEB students should grasp the foundations of Portfolio Management in preparation for exposure to the business environment. Students taking other courses like Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) and other certified courses will find these resources helpful.

Many students and colleges have benefited from the resources offered by the Pass Exams Team.

Other units or courses in KASNEB CIFA Section 4 include:

After completion of KASNEB CIFA Section 4, the student advances to KASNEB CIFA Section 5 which has the following units:

Download free KASNEB CIFA Section 4 PDF notes and past papers. Also, download free KASNEB CIFA Section 5 PDF notes and past papers for the above units.


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